Apps for copying trades between different plaforms, including our Personal Trade Copier and Internet Trade Mirror for MT4 and MT5
The Personal Trade Copier duplicates orders between two instances of MT4 running on the same computer. The communication is almost instant. Lot sizing can be adjusted between the two accounts, and you can limit the copying to particular symbols or magic numbers. There is also a version for MT5, and you can copy trades in either direction between MT4 and MT5.
The Personal Trade Copier duplicates orders between two instances of MT5 running on the same computer. The communication is almost instant. Lot sizing can be adjusted between the two accounts, and you can limit the copying to particular symbols or magic numbers. There is also a version for MT4, and you can copy trades in either direction between MT4 and MT5.
The Internet Trade Mirror duplicates orders over the internet between copies of MT4/MT5 on different computers. Senders can control which trades are broadcast. Receivers can control which trades are copied, and can change the lot sizing and risk settings.